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Гдз по рабочей тетради по английскому языку 7 класс кауфман 1 часть
Where are you from? Kate тетражи not hungry. Make sentences with the words. Friends Guess the meaning of the underlined word. Tell about all to Rob. He is happy, because his friend has sent an e-mail. That pen is mine. The boss is very clever. A lot of Celts learnt this Language. Миша: Но грабитель ничего не .
Oxford Street is the biggest shopping street in London. Who thinks that the Earth and the planets formed 4,600,000,000. He went to Russia and found Misha and his family.
Белый Нил и Голубой Нил сливаются в Судане и образуют Нил. Translate into Russian 5. How many apples has he eaten?
My Friends were in London last year. Из-за того, что в нем много соли, в этом море легко плавать. Could you make a cup of tea? Match the expressions and their translations.
Где-то уже выкладывали ссылку, найти не могу.